Tam Chronin
Evil Minions Inc.
A Subsidiary of Superhero Sidekicks LTD.
Where do evil warlords of the universe find their endless supply of evil minions? Anyone who has ever worked for a temp agency won't be a bit surprised to find out that it's a job just like any other they've been assigned to.
Short Stories
Evil Minions Inc. (original short story) - 2004
In the overlord's castle evil lurks, preparing for war against all things good and pure. Yul, a temp minion from Evil Minions Inc., goes above and beyond the call of his normal duties to aid the evil overlord. However, even the most professional of henchmen can only do so much.
The Door - 2024
Flash Fiction - How (not) to properly punish your minions.
The Job - 2008
Flash Fiction - Yul is sent on a Christmas Eve job he'll never forget
Superhero Sidekicks LTD. - 2020
In the beginning, Yul was fresh-faced and thought he'd be the best man for the best job in the universe. He also thought that being a superhero's sidekick would be said best job. This is the story of how wrong he was.
A Job Well Done - 2020
There are many unspoken rules in Evil Minions Inc. The most important of these is don't disappoint your boss. Especially if your boss is Mr. Ever.
Reindeer Games - 2020
Flash Fiction - Yul has an unexpected Christmas Eve off.